CM series safes fulfil all specifications required of the resistance grade III with minimal exterior dimensions. They offer the option of additional locks to give dual control and all models are pre-fitted to enable connection to a burglar alarm system.
A distinctive feature of the CWS series safes is their solid construction plus their size (CWS 1902 and CWS1904 double-doored) and they are available with optional fire protection – tested and certified in grade LFS60P. Safes weighing less than 1.000 kg must be anchored.
Dimensions: 1538x810x725mm (xšxd)
Težina: 1350 kg
Certifikati: Euro certifikat, prema VdS-u - Stupanj sigurnosti III (EN1143-1) ECB-S: WG III, VdS: WG III, VSÖ: EN3